
Welcome to your website's dedicated administrator's page, where exclusive training information is contained. This specialized section is designed for site administrators only, to provide access to essential resources for maintaining and improving your website. The content on this page, including step-by-step tutorials and instructional videos, equips you with the skills needed to update your site seamlessly. To extend this valuable knowledge to others, simply make them administrators on the page. Further down, you'll find detailed instructions on how to do just that. Empower your team with the latest insights on updating text, translations, and blog posts, ensuring your website remains vibrant and up-to-date.

Discover straightforward step-by-step instructions below for adding a new user to your website as an administrator. Follow each step closely to empower your team members efficiently. Use the "Next" button after each step to progress seamlessly through the tutorial, ensuring a smooth learning experience. This intuitive feature allows you to unlock the full potential of adding new users as administrators to your website.

How to fix layout/design for different screen sizes

How to move content into multiple columns

Editing Content for Different Screen Sizes

How to Save a Row to Use on Other Pages

Using Saved Row on another page

Creating a new page for a form

Making Pages Secure